Use this webinar as the starting point for your online eye care
treat yourself to a digital detox - take your chance now cheap to start!
2 hours of active eye and visual training with all the facts about relaxed vision on the PC and effective, precisely instructed, office-compatible exercises.
The concentrated specialist knowledge is exactly to the point for you.Receive this extremely valuable knowledge package worth €2500 with optical background knowledge; excerpts from anatomy; explicit procedure of the exercises.
Insights into the teachings of Skeffington and Bates illustrated and explained.
Peppered with holistic impulses, from the right light to the tools. You will learn specifically how to protect your eyes!
(Priceless) at the absolute socially just preferential price of only 99 euros.
You save the individual coaching worth €150 and even get itas a bonus, 7 free tips and a Dailygoody mindfulness exercise.
2 hour webinar - the relaxed moment on the PC